Putting cyclists to the test.
Distance cyclists are dedicated. So is Whispbar.
Like its rugged fanbase, this line of premium bike, ski and kayak racks doesn’t compromise on performance or style. So to show cyclists that Whispbar shares their relentless mindset, we created the Uncompromised Challenge: a week-long sweepstakes that took place during the 2015 USA Pro Cycling Challenge.
Each day, participants completed a task: from logging miles and writing haikus about bike racks about to tweeting photos of freshly shaved legs (you know, for aerodynamics). And as they did, we drove targeted awareness of the brand—scoring 5.3 million organic impressions and 45,000 site visits throughout the week-long promotion.
One more day of the #Uncompromised Challenge. Keep it up.
158 riders. Only one winner. Who’s your champion? @USAProChallenge #Stage4
And the @USAProChallenge is off. #Stage1