A higher caliber.
Michigan’s homegrown market is growing.
Ever since the Great Lakes state legalized recreational cannabis, dispensaries have sprung up all over. In fact, the market’s getting pretty crowded. To stand out, Lume needed to show their strains were a cut above the rest.
We helped them do just that with a campaign befitting their carefully cultivated product. It highlights each of five Lume Effects—Dream, Recover, Unwind, Focus and Move—educating consumers on cannabis while showcasing the curated experiences available. It all comes together to prove one thing: Lume’s artisanal expertise truly elevates the high.
lumecannIndica concocted with linalool as a balm for restful exploration. #DreamWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannClose your eyes, and give your thoughts permission to play. #DreamWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannExplore the uncharted haze within you. Let the uncertain take over. #DreamWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannFlavored with grape and enhanced with linalool to lull your mind to a whisper. #DreamWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannMade with cannatonic to help you relax, let go, and be well. #RecoverWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannGive yourself a chance to let go. #RecoverWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannReturn to the way you were supposed to feel all along. #RecoverWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannBreathe in the elements of the earth, and taste the beginning of your restoration. Made with 20% THC. #DreamWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannEnter a brighter, more beautiful state of calm. #UnwindWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannLose your rigidity. Embrace the uncertain. #UnwindWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannA little less constraining, a little more comfortable. #UnwindWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannMade with linalool— lavender’s soothing little friend. #UnwindWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannDirection, decisions, enlightenment. An aid to help you reset and align. #FocusWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannA magnifying glass for your mind. #FocusWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannZoom in on the present moment. #FocusWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannA mango, rosemary, and thymeinfused sativa that smooths out the bumps in your brain and the haze in your eyes. #FocusWithLume #LumeEffects#FocusWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannAlert. Alive. Organized. Energized. Run toward what comes next. #MoveWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannFind that endless stream of potential and press on ‘til it’s gone. #MoveWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannSee what you can accomplish at the top of your game. #MoveWithLume #LumeEffects
lumecannMade with limonene— citrus peel’s “snap out of it” agent. #MoveWithLume #LumeEffects