The Good in Goodwill
Goodwill’s always been more than a store.
Since the 1930s, they’ve been supporting central and southern Indiana by providing jobs, education and economic benefits. But most people just know Goodwill for their retail stores and donation centers. With big changes in shopping during 2020, they wanted to highlight how their other initiatives all come together to serve the community.
So we built a campaign to highlight everything they do, from helping adults finish high school to supporting new moms and their families—and, of course, finding new life for old clothing, furniture and more. So now everyone knows: Goodwill does all kinds of good things. After all, it’s right there in their name.
“Uplifting People”
“Good in Everyone & Everything”
“Keep It Going”
“Positive Energy”
goodwillindyDonate, shop, donate, shop, donate, shop—that cycle creates an uplifting effect that helps us help our entire community. #itsrightthereinourname #goodwill
goodwillindyKiersten was expelled from her first high school for fighting—now she’s making high grades, taking Certified Nursing Assistant classes, on the basketball and track teams, serving as CFO of the school’s student-run coffee shop and a staff intern at Kroger. See how Goodwill’s high school, Indianapolis Metropolitan, helped her turn things around by following the link the bio. #itsrightthereinourname #goodwill
goodwillindyWe turn your donation into someone else’s discovery, then find ways to help our community—such as giving over 5,000 adults the chance to earn high school diplomas.
goodwillindyKee was new to America, speaking an unfamiliar language, adjusting to high school, and pregnant—see how Goodwill’s Nurse-Family Partnership helped Kee, just as it's helped over four thousand moms in our community so far. Follow the link in our bio to see more of Kee’s story, and others. #itsrightthereinourname #goodwill
goodwillindyFirst we find your donation a new home—then we find ways to help people in our community. For example, we’ve helped over 5,000 adults earn high school diplomas in our Excel Centers. #itsrightthereinourname #goodwill
goodwillindyWorking at Goodwill Commercial Services gave Willie a second chance after he was paroled from prison—and as a Goodwill employee, Willie personally designed a labeling process that increased production from 200 to 500 bottles a day. Follow the link in our bio to see more of Willie’s story, and others. #itsrightthereinourname #goodwill